Sport number two is archery. One I happen to have some skill with, but which is considered a waste when your as big as me. On day two of Naadam I headed to the archery range to watch the competition and get some sweet pics. This would be my second time to the field since we came to Mongolia, but this time was without the kids. Meaning I could go to the best seat in the house. "Where's that" you ask? The sideline of course. In a land with no safety regulations just find a space and fill it. If this were baseball, they might just let you sit in your lawn chair behind the home plate umpire in a Roger Clemens vs. Randy Johnson game.
No play by play. Just notice the angle I had for the downfield pic, and then that the archers shoot from behind their next youngest competitor. That's right. If you are in the youngest division, you shoot from in front of every other group (who are shooting at the same time).
You wouldn't want one of these "manly sports" to come without risk would you?
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